
Life Insurance

Annual Renewable Term Life Insurance

Annual renewable term life insurance can help meet life insurance needs at a price that fits within budgets. When having children or elderly dependents, coverage is a must to provide for their needs in the event of the death of the insured. No one likes to think about needing life insurance, but getting it may help protect loved ones should a tragedy strike.

While there a many different types of life policies, they generally fall into two categories: term and permanent. Renewable term life insurance policies are just as the name implies--for a set term or period of time, generally from one to 30 years. They are the less expensive of the two types of policies, making them well suited for people on a tight budget who need coverage, such as those in their child-raising phase of adulthood. These renewable term life insurance policies do not build equity as permanent policies do.

These annual renewal policies are some of the many types coverages that are available. Some policies have a fixed premium for the duration of the time of coverage. Others, like renewable policies have a premium that periodically adjusts when renewed. Annual renewable term life insurance polices are those which automatically renew yearly, generally with gradually increasing premiums that go up as age does. Other policies may only come up for renewal every 5 or 10 years.

Perhaps the greatest advantage of these is their affordability. When only paying for a death benefit and only buying coverage for a short period, premiums will be quite low, especially compared to permanent policies. Annual renewable term life insurance policies will have the lowest premiums of all because the length of time is the shortest and the company is assuming the least risk. This makes these policies a very affordable, albeit temporary, way to cover a family's needs. Annual renewable term life insurance policies are particularly applicable for individuals in between jobs who are experiencing a temporary lapse in coverage.

There are many policies from which to choose. Examining how premiums are handled is often a key factor in the decision process. Some offer fixed premiums. These premiums do go up annually with your age, according to a premium table that is disclosed when buying the policy, but premiums will never rise above the figures locked in when signing with the company. This gives the ability to better predict expenses over the long term. Others have reviewable renewal premiums that are reset based upon inflation and current industry standards. These premiums are harder to predict and can rise significantly from year to year.

Ask us about these and other and policy features when comparing different policies. Compare renewable term life insurance plans regarding accelerated death benefits, disability waiver of premium, and accidental death benefits. When shopping for insurance, price is not the only factor that needs to guide the decision process. Evaluate the current and future needs and choose the best plan for the family's needs. "Teach me good judgement and knowledge: for I have believed thy commandments." (Proverbs 119:66)


1. Life insurance protects those who depend on your earnings

It provides your dependents with ongoing income to replace yours (replacement income) until they can live without it. It can also can provide emergency costs for medical, legal, and funeral costs, should your family not be able to afford it. It is, basically, a way to provide for your family should you pass away unexpectedly.

2. There are two main types of life insurance plans

Term insurance is a type of policy that covers you for a specific period of time. It is usually much less expensive than other types. Whole life insurance covers you for your whole life, so long as you continue to pay an annual premium. This coverage also accumulates value, which you can take as cash or use to increase the value of the plan itself. It is much more expensive, and if the premiums weren't locked in at a lower rate when the policyholder was younger, the premium will increase dramatically each year the policyholder gets older

3. Life insurance replacement calculations factor in all of your family's needs

Replacement income calculations do not factor in immediate family costs (funeral costs, legal costs, the potential for uninsured medical costs, etc), debt payments outside your monthly budget, or possible current employment benefits (health insurance, etc). Because of this, it is important to factor these costs into your coverage. Many experts recommend carrying a whole life insurance policy worth 5-10 times your annual salary. At 10 times your annual salary, the beneficiary can receive a lump sum that they can invest at 10% per year and live the same lifestyle off the interest earned.

4. Before committing to a whole life insurance policy, it is best to compare quotes from top rated companies

Each kind of policy has benefits and drawbacks. Obtaining quotes from several different companies can help you find term coverage or whole life insurance coverage for your family. Number of years working, number of children, savings accounts, investments, years to retirement, mortgages and annual income all play into figuring out how much should be invested into coverage.

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