The Need for Financial Planning

doing nothing can be your worst decision

Like all international educators, you are busy with your career, family commitments, the daily practicalities of living overseas, perhaps sports, hobbies, etc., etc. Financial planning is rarely a priority. Also, it is a confusing financial world of competing products, advice, media information, ‘tips’ from friends etc. All too hard? Leave it for another day, month, year?

Postponing the future never works, as we all know. It comes whether we plan or not! Relax, we can help..

Our service is based on helping you make those difficult decisions. Our expertise and vast experience is in helping professionals like you put together the pieces of your financial life and create a plan for your financial future.

Whether you have a range of financial commitments already in pensions, investments, insurance etc. or are just starting out on a career in international education we can provide you with personal service... with integrity.

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“Most individuals do not achieve their financial objectives, not because they plan to fail, but ‘simply’ they fail to plan”.

A short-term plan usually refers to rainy day money for emergencies. For example, you should not have stocks and shares. Reason being, if the investment drops in value it would not be prudent to withdraw it, plus it might take some time to recover.

A medium-term plan might refer to a house purchase in the next four to five years. Therefore, you cannot have high-risk investments, just in case the value drops sharply before you need the funds, again it might take time to recover the loss.

A long-term plan might be for your retirement. It would not be economical to invest in cash or other low yielding investments due to the possible effects of inflation. Therefore, an investment that can produce returns in excess of inflation would be more suitable.

Consultation + Research + Advice + Action + Commitment = Total Financial Planning